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Client Consulting Agreement
Therapist Consulting Agreement 
Terms Of Service

Client Consulting Agreement


In requesting professional consultation and assistance, I understand that to be successful, I must be entirely willing to:


  • My health and well-being depend directly on how well I care for myself emotionally, physically, spiritually, and intellectually.

  • Acknowledge that my feelings, thoughts, images, and desires, conscious and subconscious, ultimately determine the course of every action and relationship in my life.

  • Realize that blaming anything or anyone, including myself, is useless and that I am the only person who can take charge of my life.

  • Accept responsibility for myself, my choices, and actions, and that I, knowingly or unknowingly, create them.  Note: Responsibility means the ability to respond.

  • I agree to be on time for my appointments, meet my financial obligations promptly (including any session missed without a 24-hour notice), and participate wholeheartedly in my work.

  • My heartfelt commitment is an essential first step in my work here, and my signature below underscores that commitment. 


Therapist Consulting Agreement


To support you in deriving maximum benefits from our scheduled time together, I agree to the following:


  • Use the best of my abilities and expertise to facilitate such changes mutually agreed to be in your best interest and in no way harmful to you.

  • Work diligently to ensure as best I can that all suggestions given are positive in direction, beneficial in nature, and present within a context of health and well-being.

  • Refrain from using you or your trust to satisfy any personal needs I may have outside of our working relationship.

  • I offer you my undivided attention and professional assistance during our scheduled consultations.

  • Inform you immediately if, in my judgment, you would be better served by another professional or an alternative/complementary means of reaching your goals.


I am professionally committed to assisting you in the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible cost in mobilizing your resources to achieve maximum results.


Laura McGregor, C.CHT


Terms and Conditions of Service

You understand that Graciously Disruptive is a service that provides Hypnotherapy and personal coaching to individuals and groups. Our role is to support, encourage, motivate, advise, and provide information and guidance. The client must weigh the information and advice provided before taking any steps. The client understands and acknowledges that Graciously Disruptive holds no responsibility for the client's actions. The client takes full responsibility for the decisions they make and the consequences of those decisions.


  • While I hope our work together will be helpful to you, I cannot guarantee a positive outcome. 

  • If, during our work together, I discover that you are not, in fact, someone who can benefit from my services, I will discuss this with you immediately and will suggest that you seek out the services of another professional.

  • In some cases when I feel it is in the best interest of my client, I will ask you to seek out the services of a psychiatrist, psychologist, or another mental health professional in your local area for a face-to-face consultation before continuing work with you. 

  • If you are currently taking medication for depression, anxiety, or any psychological or psychiatric problem you agree to disclose this in the Client Questionnaire. 

  • As such, I cannot and will not make any formal diagnoses nor carry out traditional psychotherapy. Therefore, if at any point in our work together, I believe that you require a face-to-face diagnostic assessment, I will require you to receive that assessment as a condition of continuing to work with me. 

  • I cannot be held responsible for providing services to you in the event of a crisis or emergency situation. While I will do my best to continue to provide services as appropriate if a crisis or emergency develops during our work together. 

  • Confidentiality In General: I protect the confidentiality of the communications and contacts with all of my clients, including online clients. I will only release information out with Graciously Disruptive, about our work to others with your written permission, or if I am required to do so by a court order or legal subpoena. In addition, there are some situations in which I am legally obligated to breach your confidentiality and contact local law enforcement and/or social services authorities in order to protect you or other people from harm. These situations include the following: (1) If, in the course of our work together, I learn that a child, elderly person, or disabled person is being abused or is at risk for being abused, I am required to notify the appropriate protective services; (2) If, in the course of our work together, you tell me that you are considering committing suicide or committing any other serious self-injurious behaviour, or are considering violence against another person, I am required to notify the appropriate authorities to prevent such actions from taking place. These situations rarely occur but if such a situation did occur, I would make every effort to discuss it with you before taking any action. 

  • Confidentiality Online: It is never possible to guarantee 100% protection of the confidentiality of either email transmissions or phone calls. I will do everything possible to protect against any intrusions. It is my belief that the single biggest threat to confidentiality is a result of sending messages where the confidentiality of your own messages sent to me, or mine sent to you, is not secure. If you send/receive emails from your work computer, your supervisor or superior may be able to or be entitled to view these emails. In terms of confidentiality problems with telephone sessions, please understand that if you choose to use a cordless or cell phone during a phone session with me, someone with a scanner or other electronic equipment could possibly hear us converse. To summarize, there are risks to your confidentiality online, as there are in an office setting as well. However, I believe these risks to be extremely small assuming common sense is used and appropriate precautions are taken to protect emails sent and received. 

  • The goal of our exchanges is to help you. If either of us feels at any time, that working together is not helpful enough to you; either of us is free to terminate our relationship.

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