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Deep REM Sleep While You Increase Confidence & Self-Love - Mindful Cuddles Session 1

Instead of allowing the world to dictate how we feel about ourselves, focusing on self-care, positive encouragement, and self-love can help increase our self-esteem and self-confidence.

As this is a self-hypnotic recording it should never be played whilst driving or at any other time when you need to maintain full awakening consciousness.

My name is Laura McGregor and I’m a Clinical Hypnotherapist. It’s my deepest intent today to help you relax, to go deep within your subconscious mind to activate your incredible imagination and to do some nourishing work around increasing your confidence, self-love and learning a new tool to help you easily cope with the stresses and strains of everyday living. I drop a new hypnosis MP3’s each Thursday at 9pm PST. Be sure to subscribe to our mailing list (on the home page) to never miss a session.

If your intention is to fall into a deep and sound sleep please be sure your alarm clock is set. Go ahead and place yourself in a comfortable position. Adjust your body so that you’re lying, with your legs and feet uncrossed and slightly apart, hands resting loosely in your lap.

In the next few moments, you are going to receive two very special gifts. These are the gifts of personal POWER! How you use them is up to you. This unique power will stay with you from this moment on. It will help to light your path, powered by your own integrity and values. This power is available to you at any time and it can shield you from absolutely anything that doesn't feel right to you. It can be used when anything is not in alignment with who you are and what you believe. Activating this power takes only a deep breath and to think of the following four words:

"I REJECT that suggestion."

Use this sentence whenever you feel it is necessary, and remember to use it internally as well, for those times when you are your own worst enemy: we can often present ourselves with suggestions and situations that are not aligned to our deeper integrity.

No one can make you accept a suggestion that really doesn't work for you. I encourage you, as I have done previously with every client I have ever worked with, to use this power if something I say isn’t in alignment with your values, beliefs or what feels right to you.

Now I want to give you another power to be used when anything is IN alignment with your integrity and values. This power fuels you and can help you to make the changes you want to make in your life. These four words are:

“I ACCEPT that suggestion."

Use this sentence whenever you feel it is necessary. Used often it will reaffirm and reinforce your character, integrity and values.

The more you work with these sentences, the more comfortable these powers will feel inside you. Use them today and forever.

And If I have your permission to guide you into a calm and relaxing state of hypnosis then just begin by taking some deep, comfortable breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Go ahead and keep your eyes open for a moment and roll them up towards your eyebrows and then all the way up to your forehead.

Continue looking up with your eyes open and do two things, take a long, slow deep breath and hold it while you let your eyelids now slowly and gently close.

Good, now I want you to do three things, let all the breath out of your mouth in a long, slow sigh, relax your eyes and keep them comfortably closed, and let yourself relax deeply.

Breathe in - and breathe out - breathe in - and breathe out - and with each breath that you take and with each word that I utter perhaps you can feel your body relaxing - more and more.

And it's a wonderful feeling to know that there's nothing of any importance for you to do.

Nobody wants anything, nobody needs anything - there's no place to go right now, nothing to do but relax, and let go. Relax, and let go. And enjoy the wonderful feeling that is growing and developing within you now. Relax, let go, let go.

I wonder if you can imagine yourself standing underneath a waterfall of relaxation - just feel that relaxing, comfortable feeling flowing all the way down your body.

All the way down from the top of your head to the tips of your toes - soothing, calming - relaxation - easing away any tensions.

Making you feel good - making you feel comfortable - making you feel so relaxed.

It is a wonderful feeling to be so relaxed - and quite perfect to be here right now - enjoying this calming, soothing experience.

You are now feeling very relaxed, you are now aware of your body and the weight of your body now.

Perhaps you can feel your body sinking down deeper into the mattress - your mind is in complete control of your body, including your muscles.

So go ahead and focus your attention on your feet and toes.

There's an energy moving into the soles of your feet, and that energy is relaxing all the muscles in your feet and toes. Go ahead and see that beautiful, healing relaxing energy now and give it a colour. Perhaps it’s a shimmering beautiful white light, or a calming purple or something else, play with the energy on the bottoms of your feet. Watch how you can speed it up, or slow it down, you are in complete control of your own healing and relaxation.

Feel the muscles relax now. That energy is moving up into your calves, and as it moves, both of your calf muscles become quite loose and relaxed. Feel your calf muscles relax now.

Now feel that energy moving now into your thigh muscles, causing them to simply let go and become loose, and limp, completely relaxed.

Now that relaxing energy is moving into your hips and groin, and the muscles there also unwind and become loose and relaxed

And now that energy flows into your buttocks, and those muscles also relax - feel the energy moving now, and it's moving into your abdominal muscles, across your waist, and around into small of your back.

As it does, all the muscles there are bathed in your relaxing energy, which causes them to unwind like a rubber band letting go.

And if your mind is beginning to wander now, then that's OK. It just means you're relaxing and starting to prepare for deep and peaceful nourishing sleep.

Your unconscious mind is listening very carefully to every word I say and with each word that I utter and with each breath that you take you can feel yourself relaxing - more and more.

Now that energy is flowing up into your chest and upper back, causing the muscles there to relax and just hang loose.

The energy is moving into your shoulders now, and as the muscles relax, you can feel your shoulders sink down.

And now the energy moves into your arms, hands, and fingers, relaxing all those muscles.

You might even feel some tingling in your fingertips as the energy reaches them.

That relaxing energy is now moving into your neck, and if you are holding any tension there, it simply dissipates, allowing the neck muscles to become loose and free.

The energy is now moving into your head, causing the muscles on your scalp and around your ears to unwind and it may even feel like your scalp is sliding down.

Now the energy is flowing around your face, and as it moves, all the tiny muscles around your eyes, nose, and mouth let go. Your jaw relaxes as you allow a little space between the teeth. Even the tongue begins to relax.

Your entire body is now totally relaxed and prepared for deep and restful sleep.

You are feeling drowsy, and comfortable, so safe and secure.

That energy is still in you and is now flowing down through the top of your head and is moving quickly towards your feet.

As it reaches your feet, your entire body is now cocooned in energy that protects you from any negative influences.

You are very relaxed now, and feeling sleepy. You may hear sounds in your environment, but unless there's something that needs your immediate attention, you remain totally relaxed.

In fact, the sounds you hear, including my voice, only serve to help you go deeper asleep. You have the ability to come out of this trance whenever you wish, and you are fully safe and secure.

Those moments before you actually drift off to sleep - as your mind wanders and images can flow in and out of your mind - your mind is preparing for rest - to enter the dream world where anything and everything that you desire is possible.

I’d like you to think about the beautiful night sky, with thousands of twinkling, beautiful stars. But you notice there is one star in particular that shines extra bright, like a safe haven in the universe just for you.

As you prepare to dream your subconscious mind is busy with sorting out any problems you've had throughout the day. So I’d like you to imagine bundling up any worries - any cares - and uploading them all to that beautiful star in the universe. Watch as these worries and cares get locked safely away in your star and trust that if you need to access them again you will have even more clarity and support to deal with them in the future.

In your mind - in your imagination - go now to a room where you feel totally safe, secure, and comfortable. You know this room very, very well, and you can see it clearly it with your beautiful imagination.

I would like you to imagine, that in the far left corner is a dashboard made up of 5 dials. The corner of this room is the control center of your mind.

Get a sense of how this control center looks, how it sounds, what it feels like to be there. Take a little while to look around.

The controls in here all change how you function in everyday life.

The control room of your mind is a powerful place, I'd like you to notice that there is a volume dial that is marked, "Thoughts"

And just notice what level it is reading right now. Are your thoughts too loud for how relaxed you want to be?

Ask yourself, "What level of quiet would be right for drifting off to sleep?" and notice the number that comes to mind.

I’d like you to reach out and touch the dial and as you do imagine slowly turning down the volume of your thoughts.


Now you can just drift off even deeper and more relaxed. Feel yourself sinking even deeper asleep.

You are now at a level of relaxation we'll call level A. But as deep as that is, there's another level we'll call B, that is twice as deep asleep as level A, and you can reach it easily.

In a moment I'm going to count to three, and on the count of three, you will go from level A down to level B and be twice as deeply asleep.

One - two - three. You are now at level B, much deeper sleep than you were before.

But as deep as level B is, there's another level, C, that is ten times deeper than level B, and you can go there very easily.

I'm going to count once more from one to three, and when I reach three, you will go from level B down, down, down to level C and be ten times deeper asleep. One - two - three.

You are now at level C, ten times deeper asleep than you were before.

And the control room of your mind is a powerful place, I'd like you to notice that there is another dial that is marked, "Confidence"

If the ideal level is higher than the level you are at right now, find the control that turns up your confidence levels. Gently turn up your confidence levels, until you reach the number you've chosen.

When you have reached that level, just check inside yourself and make sure it really is the right level for now.

If it needs to be adjusted again, move the control until you are entirely happy with the level.

And the control room of your mind is a powerful place, I'd like you to notice that there is another dial that is marked, "Self Love"

If the ideal level is higher than the level you are at right now, find the control that turns up your self-love levels. Gently turn up your self-love levels, until you reach the number you've chosen.

When you have reached that level, just check inside yourself and make sure it really is the right level for now.

If it needs to be adjusted again, move the control until you are entirely happy with the level.

And as you can already see the control room of your mind is a powerful place, I'd like you to notice that there are another two dials that require labels, go ahead and label them now with anything that feels right for you.

Perhaps you’d like to reduce your anxiety, increase your metabolism, readjust your creativity or be more accepting or trusting --- or something else. Go ahead now and apply the labels to your dial.

Once the labels are applied get a sense of where these dials are currently at. And if the ideal level is higher or lower than the level you are at right now, find the control that turns up or down these levels. Gently turn up or down whatever else you added to your dials until you reach the number you've chosen.

When you have reached that level, just check inside yourself and make sure they are both set for the perfect level for right now.

If it needs to be adjusted again, move the control until you are entirely happy with the level.

Remember, you can come back to this control room at any time and change the levels if you need to.

You will find it so easy to cope with the stresses and strains of everyday living - because you now know how to relax - and enjoy these wonderful feelings.

And it is because you know how to relax in this way that you can deal so much more effectively with any issues that are going on in your life.

You become far more calm and relaxed - and so much more confident too.

Remember - the mind commands and the body obeys - when you say to yourself the word "Calm" you find that you can become much calmer and more relaxed - you just need to practice daily.

So remember - each night as you drift off to sleep you mentally send anything heavy on your mind up to your beautiful star, you adjust the volume of your thoughts and turn that dial down until it’s perfect just for you. Then move to your dashboard and make the other adjusts to the dials in front of you. This is the last thing you do before going to sleep - see the dials with the numbers and turn them up or down adding any new labels that feel important for that day. It's so easy to do this - and then - you forget about it. And enjoy your sleep.

And these suggestions are firmly embedded in your subconscious mind and grow stronger and stronger day by day - stronger by the day - stronger by the hour - stronger by the minute.

If you are listening to this recording at your regular bedtime then you can ignore the following wake up suggestions and continue to drift and dream - knowing that you will awaken, fully refreshed - at your usual wake up time.

However, if you are listening to my voice at any other time then you will accept the suggestions to come out of this trance - and feel all the benefits of this wonderful, deep relaxation session.

In a moment I'm going to count the numbers from one to five and at the count of five you will be wide awake - feeling already wonderfully invigorated - and ready to allow these suggestions - to work for you.

One - two - three - coming slowly back - four - eyelids beginning to flutter - and five - eyes open - wide awake - mind and body returning to normality, having a big stretch and saying out loud the words wide-awake.

This script was created by Laura McGregor, some content was legally licensed from Hypnotic World.

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