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Redefining Roots

The phrase "Putting Down Roots" used to terrify me. It was symbolic of not moving ahead, of being stuck, of not accomplishing what I most desired. To me, "Roots" were much more about remembering where I'd come from, honouring my ancestors - but it was my wings that I wanted to define me.

For those who don't know, I'm a proud nomad/gypsy; everything I own (until recently) fit into two suitcases and a carry-on. I've been travelling for close to 17 years. For many of those years, I was a house/pet sitter all over the South of France. In addition to being a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Aromatherapist and Reiki Master, I'm also the CEO and co-founder of a tech start-up. House/pet sitting was a fantastic way for my tech business partners and I to build our business while cutting overheads.

A year and a half ago, I was back on Vancouver Island, where I'm originally from. Patricia and I went to Mexico for a holiday to finish her Level 2 Kundalini Yoga training. It was at the earliest stages of COVID, and by the end of the trip, I had decided to hunker down wisely in paradise instead of flying "home."

Being forced to stay in one place during quarantine changed me in ways I wouldn't have predicted:

  • I decided to foster a dog, which I immediately fell in love with and decided to keep forever.

  • I met my boyfriend online, and we had the quintessential Rona-Romance. (He's recently moved to Mexico from Boston to share this beautiful lifestyle with me.)

  • We decided to sign a 12-month rental lease.

  • I decided to foster another dog (but not forever).

  • We bought a car.

  • I'm in the process of planting a garden.

  • I hired a personal trainer.

  • I'm trying to build a community here with amazing women who have also been drawn to this area.

This new season of my life makes me think a lot about those old beliefs around putting down roots. How limiting they were for me. No matter what, I create new memories, meet new people, and orchestrate my life in new ways. I am still pursuing a life that is as round, juicy and adventurous, as possible (just in different ways than before). But, I now understand better that roots (for me) are about relationships and connection with others, and that doesn't scare me at all.

I'm sharing this as a gentle reminder that every belief we have about ourselves - even the ones we create and nurture - can be challenged and repositioned if it no longer serves us.

I continue to rest my wings for a moment, allowing space to experience "being rooted" physically. I am grateful I've lived through this pandemic and had an understanding of being quarantined. It has renewed my commitment to challenging any belief that scares me.

If you feel inspired, I'd love to hear about how the last 18 months have changed you in ways you couldn't have imagined.

Laura McGregor CCHt

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Whatsapp +52 33 1496 3310

Laura McGregor is a seasoned clinical hypnotherapist specializing in transformative holistic healing. With an extensive behavioral modification and subconscious reprogramming background, she adeptly utilizes advanced hypnotherapy techniques to empower individuals to surmount challenges. Drawing on her expertise in meditation and mindfulness, Laura tailors sessions to address diverse issues, from stress and anxiety relief to boosting self-confidence and breaking harmful habits. Recognized for her innovative approach t blending traditional hypnotherapy with contemporary mind-body wellness practices, she remains at the forefront of the industry, continuously updating her skills to offer cutting-edge therapeutic solutions. Whether you're seeking personal growth, emotional healing, or enhanced performance, Laura's holistic hypnotherapy methods provide a pathway to lasting transformation.

#Keywords: clinical hypnotherapist, hypnotherapy, hypnosis, hypnosis downloads, hypnotherapist near me, holistic healing, subconscious reprogramming, stress relief, self-confidence, mind-body wellness.

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