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#Self-Care Time! Quiet A Troubled Mind With Inner Peace - Mindful Cuddles Session 9

My name is Laura McGregor and I’m a Clinical Hypnotherapist at Nourish Victory.

Achieving a sense of inner peace is something that most people strive for. However, when the mind is occupied with the stresses of modern living, peace and tranquillity can be difficult to attain. These days, many people seem to be faced with so many demands on their time and excessive worries about how to cope with life and they often neglect to appreciate the small simple pleasures of life.

If you’ve been experiencing stress, anxieties, worries or just want some 'me time' to relax, this Inner Peace hypnosis self-hypnosis session can help them to tune into your own inner resources and benefit from a mini-vacation type experience to give you some well-deserved quality time.

Please ensure you do not drive or operate any machinery while listening to this audio recording.

In order to get the best results please find a quiet place where you can focus your attention and intention towards the goals of this recording.

This recording is intended to be listened to and shared widely with the public and therefore should be seen as non-clinical / non-therapeutic hypnosis and is defined as the use of hypnosis to instill positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis.

This recording is intended to be educational in nature, providing information, instruction, support and encouragement. If you would like to experience deep trance hypnosis as part of therapeutic sessions please book time at

If you find this session valuable and you know anyone you think may help then I’d ask that you please share it with them. I drop new relaxation audio each Thursday at 9 pm PST. Be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to never miss a session. Visit for more information.

If your intention is to fall into a deep and sound sleep please be sure your alarm clock is set. Go ahead and place yourself in a comfortable position. Adjust your body so that you’re lying, with your legs and feet uncrossed and slightly apart, hands resting loosely in your lap.

And If I have your permission to guide you into a calm and relaxing state then just begin by taking some deep, comfortable breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

And of course, as always you have the power to Accept or Reject suggestions as you hear them. You can practice this in everyday life when you hear something on television or during regular everyday conversations. And of course you have the power to accept or reject any suggestions that you hear tonight. Please use these two powerful gift as often as possible. Doubling down on things that resonate with your values and integrity by internally thinking “I accept that suggestion” and quickly rejecting anything that doesn’t “I reject that suggestion”.

And as you begin to relax I’ll bring your awareness to any sounds, just everyday sounds around your house, people or dogs in the background, perhaps cars passing by in the neighborhood and these sounds do not bother or disturb you, as a matter of fact they help you relax even more comfortably. And of course at any time should you need to awaken, you can do so quickly and effortlessly.

Now as you prepare to relax very deeply you can just close those eyes if you haven’t yet and as you follow along comfortably to the sound of these words and breathe smoothly and easily

As you lie here relaxing, I want you to become gradually aware of the gentle rise and the fall of your chest and abdomen as you breathe slowly and evenly, in and out, in and out, in and out.

And perhaps you can compare this part of your body to a clear aquamarine ocean with waves gently lapping to and fro.

Imagine yourself reclining on a sun lounger on a warm, sandy white beach, watching those waves rise and fall.

You are breathing in and out as the waves on this beautiful Caribbean ocean splash gently backwards and forwards, to and fro, back and forth.

And the sound of those waves is music to your ears.

And the sun is warming you gently, all over your body, as you watch and listen to the waves in time with your breathing.

Along the ridge of the beach, in the distance, is a grove of tall green-topped palm trees whose fronds are gracefully dancing, being teased by a warm gentle breeze.

Notice the reflections bouncing off these clear turquoise waters - sparkling and dancing in the warm, late afternoon sun and sending steady ripples of contentment outward to the surrounding areas of your body and your mind.

Slowly and gently, adjust your focus inward now and look deep within yourself.

As your attention narrows you know that you are looking deep into the nucleus of your physical, spiritual and emotional self and you see a pulsating light radiating around this area.

As your vision becomes clearer still and you go deeper within to take a closer look, you see that the light is the same colour as the ocean you have just been watching.

It is the same shimmering shade of aquamarine that changes to a beautiful blue-turquoise depending on the angle from which you are viewing it.

And you are here; resting peacefully and calmly; breathing in and out; slowly, easily and evenly.

See those shimmering tranquil waves emanating from the centre of your abdomen and reaching out towards your heart, your lungs and then to all of your vital organs before finally reaching the outside extremities of your body.

Feel the healing effects of those waves as they wash across the inside of your body starting at the centre and reaching all the way to the outside of your skin before abating back to your central core.

As you watch and feel these aquamarine-blue-turquoise waves of peace and serenity wash continually across your body, your mind becomes tranquil and you begin to experience a sense of deep inner at peace.

You feel safe and protected; like a new-born baby engulfed in its mother's arms.

You are nurtured and cared for and deeply loved.

All your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual needs are met.

These serene and peaceful feelings begin to form a translucent aura that encompasses you like a breathable, softly woven cocoon.

As you slowly breathe in and out, keeping time with the ocean's waves, you become more and more relaxed.

And you are more and more attuned to your inner state of calm and tranquillity.

And as you continue to relax, your blue aura begins to get brighter and clearer as it ebbs and flows to and from your inner core to your body's extremities, warming you internally as your whole body begins to glow.

And concentrating on your aquamarine-blue-turquoise aura you find that your mind becomes free of all worries and cares, releasing of all the tensions that have been a part of your everyday life.

And you experience a wonderful sensation of calm and peace and serenity that overcomes you to the point where you feel a tremendous sense of quiet inner self-confidence.

This feeling spreads throughout your body and your mind and you know that whatever happens in life you can cope.

That’s right, whatever life tries to throw at you is fine; you find you can cope with it in the most effective and efficient way possible.

Your subconscious mind registers everything it needs to and responds with its own inner wisdom.

You are a free spirit with your own highly-formed set of standards and core values and you listen to your own guiding voice, even when others are urging you to follow a path that you instinctively know is not the right path for you.

And whenever you call upon the wisdom of your inner self, you experience the aquamarine-blue-turquoise aura surrounding you.

It immediately warms and assures you that you know far more than you think you know.

For all is there in the depths of your soul; all channels of spiritual guidance are open and available to you.

Everything that you need to know is revealed to you. If it is not revealed then you know that it is not really needed at this time.

Everything is now crystal clear and you can see the path that leads to the fulfilment of your dreams.

You realize that any old obstructions towards realizing your dreams and fulfilling your destiny were either self-imposed or placed there by others who, in their own misguided, if well-intentioned way, believed that they should be there.

When the time is right and you sense that this path is the one for you, you now give yourself permission to follow your heart.

As you bask in this glowing feeling of calm and serenity I want you to recall those old problems

But I don't want you to actually think about them.

What I would like you to do is to see them as a list written on a piece of tissue paper in your inner mind.

See the list on a flimsy piece of paper that can be screwed up and discarded, incinerated in a flash or dropped into the ocean where nature will obliterate it without causing any sort of pollution.

On this list can be anything and everything that has been recently worrying you.

It contains any of those old anxieties or doubts that you may have had about yourself, your ability or anything else; the list can contain whatever you want to put on it.

It's what we will call your 'not to do' list.

Cram it full of things which once bothered you but you now know are unimportant, regardless of what anyone else says or thinks.

This is your list of perceived obstacles, imagined consequences or other of those old problems that have no right to influence your life.

Remember, the list can contain anything and everything that had been dragging you down or making your life miserable or unbearable in some way.

So write your list now or simply project those old doubts onto the paper as I am quiet for a moment or two.

Slight pause.

Now, looking at the paper, or even not looking at it, you suddenly realize that those old obstacles or problems cannot hold the same weight as they once did

You have your own set of values and these are the ones that you live by.

Acknowledge that there are things out there in the universe that have adversely influenced you in one way or another throughout your life.

Know too, and accept that you can defeat them, for you, and you alone, are in charge of your destiny.

Allow the spirit of the sea to bring forth a breeze to carry away the list you set down on that flimsy paper.

Like a balloon, the tissue wavers through the air until it hovers over the ocean towards the horizon, already in shreds from the strong sea air.

And suddenly it is gone, and with it, all those old doubts or insecurities or any of those old negative feelings or thoughts that you may have had about yourself are also gone and replaced with a feeling of deep inner peace.

The inner peace and confidence that you have attained now has a permanent place within you.

And you can draw on your inner reserve whenever you want to and whenever you need to; whatever you are doing and wherever you are; this inner peace is there for you.

All you need to do is to look inside yourself and experience the aquamarine, turquoise blue light.

Allow it to wash over your body and immediately transform any negative thoughts or feelings to positive, harmonious energies and higher vibrations.

I want you to place your right palm across your left wrist and take a deep breath as you store your inner peace light in your left wrist.

Store your source of peace and tranquillity in your left wrist; store your aquamarine-turquoise blue light in your left wrist.

And tell yourself ‘I am at peace; peace is within me; I already have my own inner peace’.

And in the unlikely event that at any time you feel you are not at complete peace with your body or your mind, just place your right palm over your left wrist again and let the healing shimmering inner peace light of absolute tranquillity pulsate once again throughout your entire body and your mind.

And remember to tell yourself ‘I am at peace; peace is within me; I already have my own sense inner peace’.

And you can regain your sense of total equilibrium and find inner harmony and peace

Know too that whenever you lie down for the night, sleep is nature's way of replenishing your inner strength and your state of mental balance.

And when you fall asleep your sleep is deep, unencumbered and followed by complete rest and relief from all stress and tension.

You are aware of your aura of shimmering light and peace and tranquillity you are also aware of your beautiful Caribbean island and the feelings of calm and confidence and your mind, body and spirit work harmoniously together, filling your being with peaceful, quiet inner confidence.

You know that this perfect place exists within you and is there for the calling, it is yours and yours alone.

And these deep feelings of inner peace and tranquillity are going to remain with you, accessible, available, attainable, simply by breathing in time with the waves on the ocean and placing your right hand over your left and repeating your mantra in your mind.

You remember to tell yourself ‘I am at peace; peace is within me; I already have my own sense inner peace’.

And these positive feelings will stay with you, and grow stronger and stronger - as you become more relaxed. In fact, this relaxed response will become a pleasant part of your life and you know you could find something new that brings you joy each day.

You could laugh and feel joyful when your feet touch the floor first thing each morning. You could feel Happy, Grateful, Motivated & even Excited to start a new day leaving behind all those old cares and concerns.

You'll surprise yourself, in that you'll find that you're able to let go of things that belong to the past, you'll see them correctly in their true perspective, as belonging to the past. Old negative memories, old patterns of behaviour, and things that raised themselves as barriers against your ability to achieve the things that you wish to achieve in your life - are now fading - fading away - and you're seeing them as part of the past.

This is allowing your body to come back to its correct balance - this is allowing your mind to feel settled and calm. This is allowing you to experience a deep sense of inner confidence, and contentment.

If you are listening to this recording at your regular bedtime then you can ignore the following wake up suggestions and continue to drift and dream - knowing that you will awaken, fully refreshed - at your usual wake up time.

However, if you are listening to my voice at any other time then you will accept the suggestions to come out of this restful state - and feel all the benefits of this wonderful, deep relaxation session.

In a moment I'm going to count the numbers from one to five and at the count of five you will be wide awake - feeling already wonderfully invigorated - and ready to allow these suggestions - to work for you.


I am going to count from 1 up to 5 and at the last number the number 5

I will ask you to open your eyes have a good stretch and say out loud the words wide awake.

1. Slowly calmly easily you’re returning to your full awareness once again.

2. Each nerve muscle and ligament has benefited from this wonderful time spent inwards.

3. From head to toe feeling perfect in every way, physically perfect mentally perfect emotionally calm and serene.

4. You will find that from this moment on you will have more and confidence in your everyday life. When you leave this building colours may be brighter sounds clearer and that is simply because you took this time to reconnect to yourself.

5. Opening your eyes and saying out loud the words WIDE AWAKE

This script was created by Laura McGregor, some content was licensed from Hypnotic World and Uncommon Knowledge

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